Είστε εδώ:Αρχική/Research Projects/ATRACO


Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies

The aim of ATRACO project is to contribute to the realization of trusted ambient ecologies. Interactive appliances, collaborative devices, and context aware artefacts, as well as models, services, software components are parts of ambient ecologies. A context-aware artefact, appliance or device uses sensors to perceive its context of operation and applies an ontology to interpret this context. It also uses internal trust models and fuzzy decision making mechanisms to adapt its operation to changing context. Finally, it employs adaptive dialogue models to communicate its state and interact with people.

Ambient ecologies form the infrastructure that supports user activities. In ATRACO project, each activity is modelled as a “bubble” using finite resources to achieve the goals of its owner and having clearly marked borders, which realize the privacy requirements. The user tasks that compose an activity are supported by an ad-hoc orchestration of ubiquitous computing services, which are manifested via an ecology of smart artefacts. The bubble adapts to different contexts by re-negotiating its borders, adopting suitable interaction modes and employing resource management models. In ATRACO project, adaptation will be researched in terms of artefact operation, ecology composition, network election and man-machine interaction with respect to user context and behavior.

Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

Τελευταία άρθρα από τον/την Ερευνητική Μονάδα 3 - Δυναμικά συστήματα περιρρέουσας νοημοσύνης

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