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Open Source software usage by European Public Administrations

OSEPA project is dedicated in exchanging experiences in order to identify and analyze good practices. The main planned results of the project are to exchange knowledge and experiences on FOSS usage by European Public Administrations; gather, review, exchange, transfer best practices about FOSS uptake and related policies.

The OSEPA project aims to conduct a systematic debate among European public administrations supported by analysis and exchange of experience on the issue of free and/or open source software (FOSS) with a view to:

  • Analyse, promote knowledge and foster awareness on the main benefits and disadvantages, cost evidence and effectiveness resulting from FOSS adoption and use.e
  • Explore, identify, build consensus on the framework conditions that would enable FOSS to become a technically, financially, legally viable alternative offering of IT solutions.
  • Explore, identify, build consensus on and promote European, national and regional policies and policy approaches that may facilitate the emergence of FOSS as a mature and viable business model.
  • Promote awareness, exchange and disseminate knowledge, good practice and case studies regarding the technical, financial and legal aspects of FOSS adoption by European public administrations in order to reduce uncertainty, inertia and resistance-to-change that limit experimentation and adoption of FOSS software.
  • Discuss and promote the adoption of internal policies, mission statements, methodologies and action plans facilitating European public administrations to experiment, exploit and benefit from FOSS solutions.

Additional Info

  • Έναρξη: 1ος/2010
  • Λήξη: 12ος/2012
  • Χρηματοδότηση: INTERREG IVC
  • Συνεργάτες: Central Union of Municipalities, Greece - Vysocina Region, Czech Republic - Foundation for the Development of Science & Technology in Extremadura, Spain - MFG Baden-Wurttemberg - Innovation Agency for ICT and Media, Germany - Swedish Association of Municipalities for Joint Development of eServices, Sweden - Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy - City of Schoten, Belgium - Strovolos Municipality, Cyprus - Association of Local & Regional Governments, Latvia - Municipallity of Bistrita, Romania - The University of Sheffield, UK

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