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Displaying items by tag: Development project (74)

Hellasgrid 1 & 2 Program: O.P. Information Society This project concerns the study and operation of nodes for computing systems management and operation and storage for the support of continuous operation of HellasGrid in a daily base. Substantially it is the development of corresponding structures with the Network Operations Centres…

Program: O.P. Information Society During the project's implementation the integration of further computing systems in the basic HellasGrid core will be examined, such as computing nodes of high specifications and exploitation of surplus interconnected personal computers resources - desktop Grids. Such type energies obviously do not aim to substitute the…

Management of Systems for Asynchronous Tele-education ( Program: O.P. Information Society C.T.I.'s Networking Technologies Sector has undertaken the project "Asynchronous Tele-education ( System Management" in the frames of sub-project 3-action "Development of an educational gate for the first degree and secondary education" O.P I.S, 1.2 Meter. This project constitutes of…

Development of Applications of Web sites arrangement and Effective Management of Computing Grid Resources Program: O.P. Information Society, 3.3 Meter Aim of the present project is the development of new pilot computing grid applications for the exploitation of national infrastructure that is developed in the frames of HellasGrid. More concretely…

Program: O.P. Information Society (Invitation 105) Aim of the project is the exploitation - to profit of the schools - of infrastructures of broadband access that will be manufactured by projects of Municipalities and local authorities in the frames of invitations 93 and 105 CSF. By the wide use of…

Acronym: EQUAL - Ιως EQUAL is part of the European Union's strategy for more and better jobs and for ensuring that no-one is denied access to them. Funded by the European Social Fund, this initiative is testing since 2001 new ways of tackling discrimination and inequality experienced by those in…

East Mediterranean Cohesion on Information and Telecommunications – EMEDIT EMedIT ‘s main objectives focus upon: providing a roadmap of transnational integration into a common framework regarding ICT in the EastMed (EM) region, promoting support services including training to ICT regional authorities and public bodies on an equal basis, discussing relevant…

Priority 2 : Transport System and Information society Measure 2.2: Improving access to knowledge and information TELEACCESS fosters digital culture among rural citizens by demonstrating ways to bridge the digital divide through advanced broadband telecommunications (satellite, wireless) providing participated remote areas with access to the Info- Society. Existing local establishments…

Development and experimental operation of the remote management of computer and systems for the Public Administration (Remote System Management) using open source code Program: O.P. Information Society (Invitation 87) In the frames of the project, planning, growth and pilot application of innovative system for the management calculating and network systems…

Technological Innovation Network in the field of Information Systems / TINIS The global objective of the TINIS project is to promote the development of structures enhancing technological innovation in the ICT sector. Innovation in general (and technological innovation in particular) is considered within Europe as a key factor for economic…