Registration, organisation and electronic documentation of the historical record of SEGAS for the project History of the Modern Olympic Games and development of a relevant Web-site The project will develop the Web site of the Greek athletics federation and several online services, such as online news and game results. In…
Platform for interactive television services for athletic events The goal of the project is to design and implement interactive Television services for athletic events. With the use of these services the user will be able to: Interact with the athletic event that he/ she is watching in the sense that…
Intelligent Distributed Virtual Training Environment The main aim of the project is to build an innovative support system for collaborative learning over distance through distributed and shared virtual environments. INVITE will be a platform for synchronous tele-learning providing users with functionality which supports social learning process through distributed virtual environments…
ASP - New Game The objective of ASP-New Game is to research, develop and implement a new middleware for ASP/ ISPs. The new platform will integrate all the required functionality for running an ASP operation, including new methods, such as Streaming Application (application is partially run on the client’ s…
Game-based Learning in the Universities and Lifelong Learning Unigame addresses the concepts of game based learning with a focus on the higher education sector. Game-based learning has been adopted widely for childrens learning. Only recently has it been discussed for learning of adults. Within UniGame this field should be opened…
The Virtual Radiopharmacy - a mindful learning environment The main objectives of VirRAD are the development of an instructional design from Mindful-Learning theory; a multi-layered meta-cognitive learner model within the context of an intelligent, virtual reality enhanced, distance learning environment for vocational training; the embedding of this environment within an…
Large-Scale International IPv6 Testbed The main objectives of the project are to build and operate a dedicated international pilot IPv6 network, and use this network to validate that the demands for the continuous growth of the global Internet can be met with the new IPv6 technology, by using state of…
A Special Interest Group for the Game-based Learning in Universities and lifElong learning Digital games are a significant element in the digital media and information society. They influence the development of the media technologies as well as the interface design, social interaction and new evaluation approaches. The development of the…
Study of usage and impact of GRNET-2’s network During this project, a full record of the usage of GRNET’s network by the Academic and Research community will be done. Also, the impact of the network to the final users will be investigated. For the latter, the development of the network…
Broadband in Greece: Current Situation and Prospects The objective of this project is the development of a complete study-research focused on the imprinting of the current dynamics and the specification of the actions of strategy for the growth of broadband in Greece and the elimination of the danger for the…