Management of additional service for IPv6 protocol The main objectives of the project are the investigation of how the already implemented streaming and videoconference applications can benefit for the enhanced capabilities that IPv6 networks offer. An important factor of streaming and videoconference applications is the multicast transmission of data. In…
Platform for interactive television services for athletic events The goal of the project is to design and implement interactive Television services for athletic events. With the use of these services the user will be able to: Interact with the athletic event that he/ she is watching in the sense that…
Teletraining services for the administration of remote applications of the Greek Telecommunications Organization (OTE) The project "Teleteaching Service for the Greek PTT" aims to develop one commercial Teleteaching application and comprises the continuation of the Pilot Teleteaching project, which the CTI and the Greek PTT have completed. More particularly the…
GCC: Efficiency and performance of distributed systems: Potentials and Limitations Intergovernmental Cooperations The subject of the project is the study of the capabilities, the limitation and trade offs of the efficient distributed algorithm for a new generation of distributed algorithm which is inspirited by the new applications and systems of…
Registration, organisation and electronic documentation of the historical record of SEGAS for the project History of the Modern Olympic Games and development of a relevant Web-site The project will develop the Web site of the Greek athletics federation and several online services, such as online news and game results. In…
Development of an autonomous agent for the implementation of a web navigation model on the Internet The basic goal of the project is to design and develop a reliable, sufficient and easy to use, Web navigation agent. The agent will be developed as an intelligent agent and will be able…
Design and application of network architecture for quality of service IP on EDET network Aim of this pilot project is to study, design and provide practical guidelines for the implementation of a QoS architecture of the GRNet backbone, in order to provide different Classes of Service (CoSs) to the customers…
TITOSIM: Time To market reduction via Statistical Information Management This project extends to the whole Product Development Process (PDP), namely concept, design and production, a successful approach to accelerating simulations developed on the FP4 project BE96-3046 This project extends to the whole Product Development Process (PDP), namely concept, design and…
Management of additional service for MBS protocol RU6 has undertaken a number of projects in the filed of Management Bandwidth Services. The research in these projects is focused on techniques and algorithms for network Management Services with quality of service in Internet WANs. These services are becoming more and more…
CORAS: A Platform for Risk Analysis of Security Critical Systems The CORAS' main objectives are: a) to develop a practical framework for a precise, unambiguous and efficient risk analysis, b) to assess the applicability, usability and efficiency of the framework by extensive experimentation in the fields of e-commerce and telemedicine,…