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TANDEM - How to establish intergenerational and intercultural communication and how to provide for transfer and transparency of competences in VET

In many European countries, two groups of society are among the most affected by low participation in the labour market and by social exclusion: These are young low-level educated and older migrant people. Both groups are also hard to reach by educational measures and often show low motivation and poor course success.

“TANDEM - How to establish intergenerational and intercultural communication and how to provide for transfer and transparency of competences in VET” is based upon the successful Grundtvig project “European GenerationLink” (

Adapting innovative and concrete measures for Vocational Education Training demonstrates to VET teachers, trainers and counsellors how to bring these two groups of society together so they can benefit from each other.

Furthermore, TANDEM can show them how to make non-formal and informal skills transparent and valid for the future professional development.

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