Εμφάνιση άρθρων βάσει ετικέτας: Completed project (179)

ProSense:promote, Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking Research and Researchers: Towards Pervasive Networking of WBC and the EU The overall objective of the project is to improve the research potential and capability of selected WBC research centres and to develop them into wireless sensor networking centres of excellence capable…

RIMACO This project aims to enhance the study of randomness in computation by using ideas of statistical physics. In particular, it aims to place the connection between computation and statistical physics. This project aims to enhance the study of randomness in computation by using ideas of statistical physics. In particular,…

Uniform Networked Environment of Local Authorities for Citizen and Enterprise Services’ Provision Research Unit 6 of RACTI is a subcontractor of the project “Uniform Networked Environment of Local Authorities for Citizen and Enterprise Services’ Provision”. The main objective of the project is the implementation of advanced online services to the…

BONE: Building the future Optical Network in Europe The BONE-network brings together 49 laboratories and research institutes from al over Europe in a close networking infrastructure, built on the foundations laid down by the FP6 ePhoton/ONe Network and represents the research activities within Europe in the field of Optical Networks.…

Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies The aim of ATRACO project is to contribute to the realization of trusted ambient ecologies. Interactive appliances, collaborative devices, and context aware artefacts, as well as models, services, software components are parts of ambient ecologies. A context-aware artefact, appliance or device uses sensors to perceive…

Ο στόχος του έργου CIBERA είναι να βελτιώσει την ποιότητα και να αυξήσει την συνεργασία των οργανισμών προκειμένου να μεταφερθεί καινοτομία και γνώση. Ο κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι να διαθέσει στους διευθυντές Τηλεκέντρων στρατηγικά εργαλεία που βασίζονται σε καινοτόμες μεθοδολογίες και σε πλατφόρμες online κατάρτισης Οι επιμέρους στόχοι του…

Design and Implementation of a Platform for the Optimization of Services provided by Vending Machines with Remote Management Goal of this project is the design and implementation of a System for the optimization of services provided by vending machines with remote management. The system will be able to manage propagated…

Hellasgrid 1 & 2 Program: O.P. Information Society This project concerns the study and operation of nodes for computing systems management and operation and storage for the support of continuous operation of HellasGrid in a daily base. Substantially it is the development of corresponding structures with the Network Operations Centres…

Program: O.P. Information Society During the project's implementation the integration of further computing systems in the basic HellasGrid core will be examined, such as computing nodes of high specifications and exploitation of surplus interconnected personal computers resources - desktop Grids. Such type energies obviously do not aim to substitute the…

Broadband: Promotion, Demonstration, Strategies, Best Practices The objective of the project is the exchange of experiences and know-how on broadband issues. Furthermore the transition of relative know-how, specially to small and medium enterprises and the promotion of broadband via the installation of public Wi-Fi hot spots, for the creation of…