Εμφάνιση άρθρων βάσει ετικέτας: FP7 funded (18)

CNG: Community Network Game CNG intends to enhance collaborative activities between online gamers by developing new tools for the generation, distribution and insertion of user generated content into existing Massive Multiplayer Online Games servers

Virtual pathological heart of the virtual physiological human Heart failure accounts for almost a quarter of all admissions to hospital for cardiovascular events, has a high mortality (median survival around 18 months), and places a great burden on all healthcare systems, with estimated direct costs of £905m (Є1350m) in the…

ASPIS - Autonomous Surveillance in Public transport Infrastructure Systems The project aims at the development of a prototype surveillance system based on autonomous, smart monitoring devices that capture data only upon the occurrence of an incident, potentially dangerous for the passengers public transport infrastructure systems. The ASPIS project aims at…

Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds The aim of this project is to provide a multi-level infrastracture of interconnected testbeds of large-scale wireless sensor networks for research purposes, pursuing an interdisciplinary approach that integrates the aspects of hardware, software, algorithms, and data. The aim of this project is to provide a multi-level…

FRONTS The FRONTS project is a joint effort of eleven academic and research institutes in foundational algorithmic research in Europe. The aim of the project is to provide a unifying scientific framework and a coherent set of design rules, for global systems resulting from the integration of autonomous interacting entities,…

ProSense:promote, Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking Research and Researchers: Towards Pervasive Networking of WBC and the EU The overall objective of the project is to improve the research potential and capability of selected WBC research centres and to develop them into wireless sensor networking centres of excellence capable…

BONE: Building the future Optical Network in Europe The BONE-network brings together 49 laboratories and research institutes from al over Europe in a close networking infrastructure, built on the foundations laid down by the FP6 ePhoton/ONe Network and represents the research activities within Europe in the field of Optical Networks.…

Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies The aim of ATRACO project is to contribute to the realization of trusted ambient ecologies. Interactive appliances, collaborative devices, and context aware artefacts, as well as models, services, software components are parts of ambient ecologies. A context-aware artefact, appliance or device uses sensors to perceive…

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