HERMES: Designing and development of an innovative and complex integrated system for incorporated network systems for the bunches services provision to the user
Program: O.P. Competiveness (3rd CSF)
This project is part of a bigger project with objective the designing and development of a completed access system for the combined benefit of telephony services and data via Internet, where the main and exigent operations will be materialised in special circuit of data analysis as well as in special circuit of signal (DSP) analysis so that good quality of service to be provided. RACTI's NTS undertook the analysis of requirements and specifications as well as the completion, ordeal and evaluation of the project. The analysis of requirements took into consideration the developments in the telecommunications and the modern requirements of the user and led to determination of specifications for the supported services. Also the operations of composer of circuit (FPGA System-on-Chip), the contacts and the scripts of control on the total system were determined. For the project completion all scripts of circuits control have been tested and the software of DSP and CPU has been completed and checked. Furthermore experiments and measurements for the control of records of system have been conducted. Also testings of system communications with additional products that circulate in the market as simple telephones, DSLAMs, servers, PCs have been accomplished.