New model for the development of Telecentres for the strategic promotion of the Information Society in Europe The main objective of Ciberstrategy is to provide Telecentres with the strategic tools that will enable them to become Reference Facilities for the Information Society in their regions.
Measure 3.1: Protecting and developing cultural heritage The project aims at giving continual knowledge and perception of a vast and rich heritage by using innovative technologies in order to create an integration of action and interaction between the real and virtual space and to achieve a common perception on-line of…
S.I.P.R.O.C.I: Interregional response to natural and man-made catastrophes Interregional response to natural and man-made catastrophes - (SIPROCI) is a transnational project in the field of Civil Protection approved under the Community Programme INTERREG IIIC. This project was launched in Spring 2004 and will run over almost three years, until December…
ENHance health: Environmental health surveillance system in urban areas near incinerators and industrial premises The project examines the problem of managing over the same area urban dwellings, industrial premises and waste management plants (specifically incinerators) by focusing its main objective on the development of knowledge and scientific results that, when…