PEP-NET: Pan European E-Participation Network
There are many promising eParticipation efforts active in Europe, but they suffer from fragmentation and a lack of interaction and cooperation. PEP-NET will try to overcome these problems and build a European network of all stakeholders active in the field of eParticipation. PEP-NET includes public bodies, solution providers and citizen organizations as well as researchers and scientists. The network is open to all organizations willing and actively trying to advance the idea and use of eParticipation in Europe.
The main objective of this project is to achieve critical mass for the establishment of a Pan European eParticipation Network (PEP-NET). Such a network will act as a repository and disseminator of good practice and exchange of experience, and be a visible resource for all interested parties across the European Union.
PEP-NET will ensure wider access to European eParticipation projects and permit more effective dialogue between eParticipation experts, researchers, practitioners, public administrations, civil society organisations and the interested public with the ultimate goal of facilitating knowledge transfer, encouraging further eParticipation trials and establishing European leadership in this field. To do so, PEP-NET will seek to showcase participatory technologies “in action” by leveraging the full potential of popular Web 2.0 and 3.0 tools.