Technical Consulting in Constructing Metropolitan Area Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece
The objective of the project is the provision of specialized technical support for the implementation of Metropolitan Broadband Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece. The technical support is provided to the Local Authorities of the Region that are the contractors of the Invitation 93 of Meter 4.2 of the Info-society Operational Program. More specifically, the work aims in the benefit of technical support via the following energies:
- The development of Studies of Application and Routing of Optical Fibres and the adaptation of Copies of Auctioning, on all financed Local Authorities of the Region of Western Greece.
- The supervision of technical work of manufacture of networks and the certification of equitable implementation of installation of infrastructures as well as their equitable operation.
- The development of enterprising schema of exploitation of infrastructures that will be installed in the Region. It Concerns the adoption, use and benefit of broadband services and the proposal of the Enterprising Form for the administration, growth, maintenance, operation and exploitation of the infrastructures. The expected results of the project are the implementation of Metropolitan Broadband Infrastructures of Optical Fibers in a technically equitable way in the Region of Western Greece and their enterprising viable exploitation.