
The Board of Directors of C.T.I has nine members

The Board Members are:

  • Serpanos Dimitrios, Professor at University of Patras, Director
  • Paraskevas Michael, Professor at University of Peloponnese, Vice-Director A'
  • Smyrnaiou Zacharoula, Assistant Professor at National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens, Vice-Director B'
  • Verykios Vassilios, Professor at Hellenic Open University, Member
  • Sirmakessis Spiros, Professor at University of the Peloponnese, Member
  • Aggelides Marios, Teacher, Member
  • Karatzas Antonios, Publisher, Member
  • Pittara Eirini, Representative of the Ministry of Education, Member
  • Marouga Kalomoira, Chief of Digital Systems, Infrastructure, Ministry of Education, Member.


The Board of Directors' Secretary is Mrs. A. Panagiotopoulou


Directors' Business Board

The Directors' Business Board from all the Sector and Services Directors as well as a representative of the Research Groups, as members. Also the Director of C.T.I. can assign the participation of Sector Vice-Directors, that have been assigned as representatives by the C.T.I.'s official predicted process. The Board Chairman is C.T.I.'s Director. By the Director's proposal there is a distribution of roles and jurisdiction between the members. The Directors' Business Board members are assigned by a decision of C.T.I.'s Director, validated by C.T.I.'s Board of Directors.