A Special Interest Group for the Game-based Learning in Universities and lifElong learning
Digital games are a significant element in the digital media and information society. They influence the development of the media technologies as well as the interface design, social interaction and new evaluation approaches. The development of the game industry is not only product for the leisure time, but also for work and learning with many dimensions in the area of the social life, knowledge acquisition and application, soft skills and gaining experiences. Digital games are a large area for researchers in the different science fields e.g. social, political, cultural, pedagogical, computer science, etc. Within “SIG-GLUE” project direction of the educational games allots from wide spectrum of the digital games. The main goals of the proposed network are: establishment of structured collaboration and research in the game-based learning area, creating tools that support propagating of knowledge, skills, experience in the game-based learning, monitoring the quality and establishing a quality stamp for game-based learning resources, contributing to innovation of the European institution and Universities.
G1: SIG-GLUE community will provide a Europeanwide communication and exchange platform for game-based learning in the field of universities and lifelong learning. The community could be seen as “knowledge pool” i.e. a resource of guidelines and practical examples that can be taken over thus facilitating the application of game-based learning.
G2: Aim of the SIG-GLUE community is to support end users by the application of game-based learning in the first place. Hovewer, it is also important to involve actively the educational game producers and content designers. The intention is to initiate and support development and application of joint game-based learning lectures and courses supporting studen e-teamwork among distributed learning institutions. Joint lectures will be formally acknowledged by several partners.
G3: Establishing a Quality stamp for game-based learning resources and permanent monitoring the quality.
G4: Workshops & events will be organised and carried out to educate the educators in the terms of design and application of the game-based learning and to disseminate innovative learning approaches. Issues such as current research and design of educational games will be also tuckled at those events.
G5: Establishment of several different Task Forces to work on interesting subject (these are to be identified and defined by the participating members based on the common interests, user analysis and the developments in the area). Main target is to identify the future trends and try to influence them as early as possible in order to ensure more educational (as well as recreational) value of innovative learning approaches.