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Displaying items by tag: ERDF funded (19)

South East Europe jointly developed common advanced virtual accessibility solutions to support public servicesSECOVIA promotes jointly developed, advanced IT solutions that harvest the benefits of cloud computing to support access to shared public IT services, resources & infrastructures and tackle the digital divide among SEE territories. Main activities planned: Current…

Voucher for SMEs The aim of the project is the technology transfer that will be done through meetings among specific collaborators of University of Patras and executives appointed by the company, where it will be presented and analyzed the relevant knowledge. The meetings will be at least a weekly basis…

South East Europe improved virtual accessibility through joint initiatives facilitating the rollout of broadband networksAccess to information, broadband connectivity and financing of virtual accessibility are key components necessary for the development, adoption and use of ICT in the economy and society. Inadequacies in the telecommunication infrastructure and accessibility to services…

Regional Policy Improvement for Financially Sustainable Creative Incubator UnitsIncubator units for creative industries business start ups provide much needed space and act as vital support mechanisms and catalysts for the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in this sector right across the EU. The creative industries provide significant employment opportunities, and…

Sustainable Urban Mobility Management Information Technologies The main goal of the project is to reduce the negative impacts of air pollutants through the deployment of an advanced mobility management information system base on ICT (Information & Communication Technologies). The application of these technologies in the mobility management system provides highly…

Promotion of ICTs usage by SMEs as an enabler of Value Networks All around Europe regions have implemented different strategies to promote Information Society in SME’s convinced about the ICTs usage benefits to favor business sector. Those actions have contributed to the widely use of e-business as an opportunity for…

Open Source software usage by European Public AdministrationsFree and/or open source software (FOSS) represents a potential of significant competitiveness gains of its adopters, both for public administrations as well as citizens and companies. As a result, it is of vital importance to examine how and whether appropriate public policies can…

Hellasgrid 1 & 2 Program: O.P. Information Society This project concerns the study and operation of nodes for computing systems management and operation and storage for the support of continuous operation of HellasGrid in a daily base. Substantially it is the development of corresponding structures with the Network Operations Centres…

Program: O.P. Information Society During the project's implementation the integration of further computing systems in the basic HellasGrid core will be examined, such as computing nodes of high specifications and exploitation of surplus interconnected personal computers resources - desktop Grids. Such type energies obviously do not aim to substitute the…

Management of Systems for Asynchronous Tele-education ( Program: O.P. Information Society C.T.I.'s Networking Technologies Sector has undertaken the project "Asynchronous Tele-education ( System Management" in the frames of sub-project 3-action "Development of an educational gate for the first degree and secondary education" O.P I.S, 1.2 Meter. This project constitutes of…

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