The STEAMonEdu project aims to increase the adoption and impact of STE(A)M education by investing in the community of stakeholders and the professional development of educators. The approach of the project is to nominate educators as the pillars of implementation of STE(A)M education policies and support their professional development either…
About the “TRANSFER” project The goal of TRANSFER is to develop, transfer and disseminate a Common Governance Model for the management of archaeological parks that goes beyond the traditional conservation approach, to open up for the valorization of cultural heritage into sustainable development opportunities and growth. The Common Governance Model…
The main output of the project is the methodical publication Digitally enriched curriculum bridging formal and non-formal VET which is available here. The content includes exemplary learning scenarios in the following areas of vocational education and training, issued in 4 languages: English, Polish, Greek and Italian. The learning scenarios are…
The project's main objective is to foster the growth of informal learning environments, which provide opportunities for young people to engage in craft making with the support of digital technology. This is achieved by: - organising 3D Lab workshops with digital and manual tools providing learning paths from designing and…
UMI-Sci-Ed is targeted to 14-16 aged youngsters in European countries and puts emphasis on the creation of knowledge based societies and social networks by the introduction and actual use of state of the art technologies. The orientation of UMI-Sci–Ed is entrepreneurial and multidisciplinary in an effort to raise young boys’… GAIA Green Awareness In Action GAIA (Green Awareness In Action) is a three year long, EU-funded H2020 project made up of nine partners. This project aims to promote positive behavioural changes within communities regarding energy consumption/awareness. Activities will consist of the gamification of real-time energy consumption metrics in trial… SKIFF Skills for Future Farmers Future farmers and agriculture professional are confronted with severe challenges, especially under financial stress in EU economies and other factors which call for improved competitiveness, a ‘green’ sustainable development and an increase in the agricultural productivity of EU. Such needs are accounted for in… MOVE-ME: MOOCs for university students on the move in Europe The MOVE-ME project aims to develop a learning path specifically designed for students in mobility programmes and aimed at the development of language fluency for communication in academic contexts, supporting learners in the acquisition of the competences and skills… Enhancing student transversal skills through innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment Assessment of Transversal Skills 2020 (ATS2020) is an innovative policy experimentation project co-funded by the European Commission. The project comprises 17 partners from eleven EU countries. It involves a comprehensive learning model to enhance student indispensable transversal… The project sets out to address two different needs: 1. to provide tools to distinguish between non-‘racial’ and ‘racial’ physical violence. Indeed, it is difficult to identify when there is a ‘racial’ motivation behind a physical offence, because it has to be interpreted within the context in which it…