Advanced telematic services for the Education, Greek School Network - EDUnet: Development and Support of Advanced Telematic Services for the educational units of the Western Greece Region
Program: O.P. Information Society (Invitation 11)
The project concerned in the planning, implementation and pilot operation of Greek School Network for the Education, which interconnects all the schools and administrative units of Secondary Education (roughly 4000 points). The network evolved existing infrastructure and services that have been developed in the frames of the horizontal action for the Third degree Education, the horizontal action for the Secondary Education ("Odyssey", Lyceum) and the action for the Administrative Update and the Administrative Network. Part of the actions infrastructure supported by the Greek School Network (EDUnet), which constitutes the access network for the First degree and Secondary Education as well as the administration network of Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs. The project has been implemented by two sub-projects:
- Technical co-ordination and technical supervision of GSN network infrastructures development- Development and support of advanced telematic services for the educational community of secondary education
- Support of continuous and smooth operation of infrastructure for the disposal of digital content in the final users
EDUnet offered and it continues offering a line from important profits in the educational community such as:
- Import of scale technologies in network level, and in user's services level
- Interconnection of members of educational community to each other and to the Internet
- Provision of network services so as to meet the needs of the educational community
- Homogenization of provided services and effective administration