Η κρισιμότητα της αποτύπωσης και μελέτης του φαινομένου της Πρόωρης Εγκατάλειψης του Σχολείου (ΠΕΣ) είναι μείζονος σημασίας και μια από τις βασικές προτεραιότητες της Ε.Ε. Η αντιμετώπιση της ΠΕΣ αποτελεί βασική αιρεσιμότητα (conditionality) της Ε.Ε. για το χρηματοδοτικό πλαίσιο της προγραμματικής περιόδου 2014-2020. Η ελληνική εκπαίδευση πρόσφατα πραγματοποίησε ένα σημαντικό…
LeVIS Project Workshop Overview It is becoming increasingly evident to FL teachers and researchers that there is no one and only guaranteed teaching method and that a variety of technical and methodological resources are needed in the classroom. It is now commonplace to say that audiovisual material with its rich…
Applied research in the cultural heritage and environmental opportunities for the tourism Research Unit 6 of RACTI is a subcontractor of the “ARCHEOTOUR - Applied research in the cultural heritage and environmental opportunities for the tourism” project, which has been placed within INTERREG IIIA GREECE ITALY, Meter 3.2: “Promotion, Restoration…
Broadband: Promotion, Demonstration, Strategies, Best Practices The objective of the project is the exchange of experiences and know-how on broadband issues. Furthermore the transition of relative know-how, specially to small and medium enterprises and the promotion of broadband via the installation of public Wi-Fi hot spots, for the creation of…
INTERCOM: Un programme d'apprentissage pour la promotion de l'intercomprehension en Europe INTERCOM develops a methodology of Intercomprehension which is founded on the use of strategies that rely on non-linguistic aspects of receptive competence. In this project, several interactive activities, which are based on this particular methodology, will be developed for…
MuStLearnIT The MuStLearnIT project targets primary schools in different European countries operating under special conditions such as multigrade and remote schools, The project’s major objective is the design, development and application of an integrated distance learning model for learning, to aid multigrade primary schools by sharing resources such as teaching…