Development / Administration of Advanced Service for Virtual Network Operation Center of GRNET (VNOC-2) The goal of this project is the study and development of advanced network services for GRNET’s network. In particular, the Quality of Service, Managed bandwidth Service and Administration of MPLS Virtual Private Network services will be…
Multi-Gigabit European Academic Network – GN2 The GN2 project sets out a programme of work to further extend the GN1 project which has created the GEANT pan-European network. The project will improve the current network with emphasis on developing an “end-to-end” approach to the provision of service across multiple interconnected…
MUFINS:Multi-Functional Integrated Arrays of Inteferometric Switches The MUFINS project aimed to develop arrays of generic optical switches integrated on a single chip, and to prove their multi-functional nature by using them to implement token all-optical circuits The MUFINS project aimed to develop arrays of generic optical switches integrated on a…
P2P:Development and exploitation of innovative systems for monitoring, auditing and discovering of global properties of entities in peer to peer networks The project deals with the study and development of innovative architectures, protocols, algorithms and monitoring/accounting and subsystems for auditing either of specific nodes or global properties of p2p networks.…
Technical Consulting in Constructing Metropolitan Area Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece The objective of the project is the provision of specialized technical support for the implementation of Metropolitan Broadband Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece. The technical support is provided to the Local…
O.P. Information Society (Invitation 93) Aim of the project has been to provide specialized technical support for the implementation of Optical Fibres Metropolitan Broadband Networks to local authorities of Western Greece Region, final beneficiaries of Category of 1 invitation of 93 Metre of 4.2 of the IS Operational Program. In…
New model for the development of Telecentres for the strategic promotion of the Information Society in Europe The main objective of Ciberstrategy is to provide Telecentres with the strategic tools that will enable them to become Reference Facilities for the Information Society in their regions.
A Special Interest Group for the Game-based Learning in Universities and lifElong learning Digital games are a significant element in the digital media and information society. They influence the development of the media technologies as well as the interface design, social interaction and new evaluation approaches. The development of the…
Promotion of broadband culture in the Region of Western Greece The main objective of the project is the promotion of request and use of broadband services in the region of Western Greece. This promotion will be achieved through an informing campaign, discussion with interested groups and the general public and…
DELIS: Dynamically Evolving Large-scale Information Systems Within DELIS, we therefore concentrate on developing self-regulating and self-repairing mechanisms that, on the one hand, are decentralized, scalable, and adapt to changes in their environments. On the other hand, these decentralized mechanisms have to lead to a globally acceptable behavior, avoiding undesirable ortd…