Α.Ν.Α.Ι.S. - Advanced Network Architecture for in flight cabin systems
Program: Competitive and Sustainable Growth
The main purpose of ANAIS is the implementation and integration of the latest Technology efforts in Informatics and Data Communications in airplanes supported by a united network infrastructure.
The design, integration, control and evaluation of a low cost and scalable Gigabit Ethernet network that would support several airplane services for 800 passengers was also conducted. These services included Video-On-Demand, Live TV, Audio-On-Demand, phone communication, internal communication, web server, e-mail, e-commerce, flight information, games, interfaces with airplane avionics, etc. All the provided services were integrated in different levels (server, network, seat), in order to minimize the demands in weight, consumption and space.
NTS participated in the phases of network design, implementation, integration and evaluation and specifically in the network specifications, network servers and evaluation tools design, in the network integration and management (task leader), in the design and implementation of a network performance evaluation tool (Massive User Simulator about the HTTP traffic simulation of 800 passengers), in the phase of network assembly, in the integration demos and also in the evaluation experiments of the complete systems.