PEP-NET: Pan European E-Participation Network There are many promising eParticipation efforts active in Europe, but they suffer from fragmentation and a lack of interaction and cooperation. PEP-NET will try to overcome these problems and build a European network of all stakeholders active in the field of eParticipation. PEP-NET includes public…
Uniform Networked Environment of Local Authorities for Citizen and Enterprise Services’ Provision Research Unit 6 of RACTI is a subcontractor of the project “Uniform Networked Environment of Local Authorities for Citizen and Enterprise Services’ Provision”. The main objective of the project is the implementation of advanced online services to the…
Phosphorus - Lambda User Controlled Infrastructure for European Research Program: IST (FP6) Meeting the caused needs that appear from the creation of cooperative and ideal communities that use distributed globalized resources based on advanced technologies of network infrastructure, PHOSPHORUS project attempts to give solution in problems that are related with…
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE-II Program: IST (FP6) EGEE-II is a project that continues the EGEE project. Main objectives of the project are: the continuous improvement of middleware that is used in the various nodes that participate in the installed grid infrastructure, in order to deliver a reliable service to users…
ASTRA aims to define a framework for supporting the conception and the design of Pervasive Awareness systems, specifically those that are intended to support social relationships. This will consist of theories and technological solutions, addressing the two aims of the project: To develop a theory to guide the design and…
Study of usage and impact of GRNET-2’s network During this project, a full record of the usage of GRNET’s network by the Academic and Research community will be done. Also, the impact of the network to the final users will be investigated. For the latter, the development of the network…
Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe Program: IST (FP6) The project aims to provide researchers in academia and industry with access to major computing resources, independent of their geographic location. The EGEE project will also focus on attracting a wide range of new users to the Grid. In the frames…
Developing collaborative autonomous agents that can learn and evolve, investigating methods for engineering emergent collective behavior in large agent societies and building micro-nano-scale tangible agents to implement proof-of-concept prototypes This project aims to design and develop teams of co-operating autonomous agents, which could generally be used to expand the action-horizon…
Enabling the development of synergistic and scalable mixed communities of communicating artefacts and plants The PLANTS project is developing a novel technology that will enable plants to control their own environment. PLANTS is an interdisciplinary project incorporating plant science, microelectronics, software design and integration and science communication. PLANTS is a…
D.I.G.I.-Q: Quality and on-line confidence in SME"s e-Business processes Program: IST, action II.1.3 DIGI-Q project aimed to reinforce SMEs into the e-business procedures. Its innovation is based to the fact that SMEs, through concrete processes and training of young people, will have the opportunity to implement e-business solutions including quality…