ASP - New Game
The objective of ASP-New Game is to research, develop and implement a new middleware for ASP/ ISPs. The new platform will integrate all the required functionality for running an ASP operation, including new methods, such as Streaming Application (application is partially run on the client’ s PC while the ASP server streams additional blocks of software to the client when it is needed), to deliver productivity tools and rich content, secure keying of IP and Digital Rights Management. The proposed ASP-NG project is aimed at providing ASP/ISPs, small, medium, or large enterprises (SMEs and Telecos), with a complete set of features required to run an ASP. The new platform will enable integration of some of the existing technologies, such as Thin Client. Streaming Application enhances the usage of rich media and games through ASP/ISPs it is protected by a unique security key, and makes use of distributed servers, such as those found in Content Delivery/Distribution Networks (CDNs). The project’ s objectives include to run 3 successful pilots and complete, based on the pilots results, the definition of the ASP-NG product.