Administration of Advanced Network Services: Development of Inrastructure and services: QoS, VPNs and Bandwidth-on-demand
The goal of this project is the study and development of advanced network services for GRNET’s network. In particular, the Quality of Service, Managed bandwidth Service and Administration of MPLS Virtual Private Network services will be implemented and extended for GRNET’s network. In particular, the dimensioning of the network and the current advanced services will be upgraded. Additionally, new services such as IPv6 QoS, L2 QoS, L2 multipoint VPNs & CSC VPNs will be tested and implemented. Next, the administration tool for the advaced services (ANStool) will be extended, adding Web Services functionality, interoperability with Geant’s administration tool and the administration of all the new implemented services (IPv6 QoS, L2 QoS, L2 multipoint VPNs).
Also, scope of this project will be the study and implementation of Bandwidth-on-demand service that aims to provide Layer1 or Layer2 paths with guaranteed bandwidth. This service can be implemented either by provision of new optical lambdas (λ), either by the creation of TDM virtual paths or using traffic engineering tunnel (with RSVP-TE) in conjunction with QoS techniques and L2 MPLS VPNs. The implementation of the service will also include the relevant provisioning through the administration tool of the advaced services (ANStool)