ASTRA aims to define a framework for supporting the conception and the design of Pervasive Awareness systems, specifically those that are intended to support social relationships. This will consist of theories and technological solutions, addressing the two aims of the project: To develop a theory to guide the design and…
ARRIVAL: Algorithms for Robust and online Railway optimization: Improving the Validity and reliAbility of Large scale systems In this project, we are interested in establishing such a new paradigm and considerably advance the current state of algorithmic research by attacking optimization questions in perhaps the most complex and largest in…
Broadband in Greece: Current Situation and Prospects The objective of this project is the development of a complete study-research focused on the imprinting of the current dynamics and the specification of the actions of strategy for the growth of broadband in Greece and the elimination of the danger for the…
e-Photon/ONe+: Optical Networks+: Towards Bandwidth Manageability and Cost Efficiency The main technical aim of the e-Photon/ONe+ is to demonstrate and spread awareness of the potential advantages of optical technologies with respect to electronic technologies in both telecom networks and customer-controlled grids "The Network of Excellence (NoE) e-Photon/ONe+, funded by the…
Study of usage and impact of GRNET-2’s network During this project, a full record of the usage of GRNET’s network by the Academic and Research community will be done. Also, the impact of the network to the final users will be investigated. For the latter, the development of the network…
EEC: Theoretical analysis and experimental study of energy efficient communication in Ad Hoc wireless networks Theoretical analysis and experimental study of energy efficient communication in Ad Hoc wireless networks.
QoS: Algorithms and Protocols for providing guaranteed QoS in high speed computer networks Algorithms and Protocols for providing guaranteed QoS in high speed computer networks.
MuStLearnIT The MuStLearnIT project targets primary schools in different European countries operating under special conditions such as multigrade and remote schools, The project’s major objective is the design, development and application of an integrated distance learning model for learning, to aid multigrade primary schools by sharing resources such as teaching…
AEOLUS: Algorithmic Principles for Building Efficient Overlay Computers The goal of this project is to investigate the principles and develop the algorithmic methods for building such an overlay computer that enables this efficient and transparent access to the resources of an Internet-based global computer. The recent explosive growth of the…
AEGT: Algorithmic and Evolutionary Game Theory The aim of the project is the use of game theoretic and computational approaches to understand and control complex wide area networks, e.g. the Internet. The aim of the project is the use of game theoretic and computational approaches to understand and control complex…
OBELFA: Open Blended eLearning for Adults Ανάπτυξη μιας μεθοδολογίας μικτής μάθησης ενηλίκων επικεντρωμένης σε ευαίσθητες κοινωνικές ομάδες και πιλοτική της εφαρμογή κι αξιολόγηση σε οκτώ χώρες. Προϊόντα του έργου είναι μια σειρά 50 εκπαιδευτικών μαθημάτων που διατίθενται μέσω της πλατφόρμας Moodle και ένα βιβλίο-οδηγός για σχεδιασμό και παροχή μαθημάτων μικτής…
INTAS:International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe Program: IST (FP6) The project aims to provide researchers in academia and industry with access to major computing resources, independent of their geographic location. The EGEE project will also focus on attracting a wide range of new users to the Grid. In the frames…
Multi-Gigabit European Academic Network – GN2 The GN2 project sets out a programme of work to further extend the GN1 project which has created the GEANT pan-European network. The project will improve the current network with emphasis on developing an “end-to-end” approach to the provision of service across multiple interconnected…
MUFINS:Multi-Functional Integrated Arrays of Inteferometric Switches The MUFINS project aimed to develop arrays of generic optical switches integrated on a single chip, and to prove their multi-functional nature by using them to implement token all-optical circuits The MUFINS project aimed to develop arrays of generic optical switches integrated on a…
P2P:Development and exploitation of innovative systems for monitoring, auditing and discovering of global properties of entities in peer to peer networks The project deals with the study and development of innovative architectures, protocols, algorithms and monitoring/accounting and subsystems for auditing either of specific nodes or global properties of p2p networks.…
Technical Consulting in Constructing Metropolitan Area Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece The objective of the project is the provision of specialized technical support for the implementation of Metropolitan Broadband Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece. The technical support is provided to the Local…
A Special Interest Group for the Game-based Learning in Universities and lifElong learning Digital games are a significant element in the digital media and information society. They influence the development of the media technologies as well as the interface design, social interaction and new evaluation approaches. The development of the…
DELIS: Dynamically Evolving Large-scale Information Systems Within DELIS, we therefore concentrate on developing self-regulating and self-repairing mechanisms that, on the one hand, are decentralized, scalable, and adapt to changes in their environments. On the other hand, these decentralized mechanisms have to lead to a globally acceptable behavior, avoiding undesirable ortd…
Greek Support Service of the eTwinning action (2004-2007) Program: Education and Learning eTwinning action aims to twin up European schools with the use of ICT. The schools are called to collaborate on issues with recognized pedagogical value, trying wider exploitation of ICT, in the pedagogic process. In the frames of…
HEARTS: Home-based Everyday activities Analysis and Response Telecare System With the pattern of health care in Europe and worldwide shifting to community and informal care, “HEARTS” aims at enhancing patient independent living and quality of life by providing the means for safe and unobtrusive monitoring and quality care at manageable…
The project aims in the further growth of Ionian Islands, focus on the entrepreneurship as well as to the tourism sector, by applying innovative actions that are focused in the creation of new type of services-with the use of technology-, and promoting the new ideas into successful business ventures. Main…
Developing collaborative autonomous agents that can learn and evolve, investigating methods for engineering emergent collective behavior in large agent societies and building micro-nano-scale tangible agents to implement proof-of-concept prototypes This project aims to design and develop teams of co-operating autonomous agents, which could generally be used to expand the action-horizon…
Enabling the development of synergistic and scalable mixed communities of communicating artefacts and plants The PLANTS project is developing a novel technology that will enable plants to control their own environment. PLANTS is an interdisciplinary project incorporating plant science, microelectronics, software design and integration and science communication. PLANTS is a…