CORAS: A Platform for Risk Analysis of Security Critical Systems
The CORAS' main objectives are: a) to develop a practical framework for a precise, unambiguous and efficient risk analysis, b) to assess the applicability, usability and efficiency of the framework by extensive experimentation in the fields of e-commerce and telemedicine, c) to investigate the method's commercial viability and pursue its exploitation within relevant market segments, while playing an influential role in standardization organizations.
The CORAS' main objectives are: a) to develop a practical framework for a precise, unambiguous and efficient risk analysis, by exploiting the synthesis of risk analysis methods with semiformal specification methods (in particular, methods for object oriented modelling) and computerized tools, in order to improve the risk analysis of security critical systems, b) to assess the applicability, usability and efficiency of the framework by extensive experimentation in the fields of e-commerce and telemedicine, c) to investigate the method's commercial viability and pursue its exploitation within relevant market segments, while playing an influential role in standardization organizations.